Bread can be considered a fast food, but its taste is great, not only do young children like it better because it can be combined with many things they think they like to enjoy. This dish is popularly eaten all over the world, but each place has a different way of making, flavor, color, and appearance of the cake.
It is known that bread dates back to the Neolithic, has gone through many ups and downs that it is made using different types of flour and ingredients and it can be cooked in a variety of ways but not always. an oven or enameled, unleavened is also needed, depending on whether or not the yeast is added, to help it float. As we know that breads made with flour and water, other ingredients such as salt, fat and or yeast, such as yeast and baking soda are used as part of the process of making bread or adding ingredients. Other ingredients include icing sugar, spices, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and herbs.
Don't let you wait any longer, let's take a look at the news we share below.
1. Whole Wheat Bread

For this type of bread when it comes to you on a need-to-keep diet instead of starches like rice, vermicelli or pasta, whole wheat bread is the first choice for their menu. This type of bread is also known as whole wheat bread made from whole wheat flour, the ingredients in whole wheat flour are made from whole grains, including bran and germ, whole wheat.
The reason many people use this bread is that it provides more fiber, protein and vitamins than white bread, also has a better flavor. To make a new whole wheat bread that the way to cook it is also quite special because during the mixing process, it is necessary to increase the amount of water added to create a consistency for the dough because the bran in the whole wheat dough absorbs more water and should be kneaded gently.
The bran grain breaks the strong protein bonds in the bread dough thereby flattening the dough as it floats. Especially very healthy, this bread is also great for making sandwiches, snacks, eggs in holes.
2. White Bread

Many stores use all-purpose flour or bread flour to make white bread. It has a fine powdered and granular texture, making it easy to slice, especially where flavors can be mixed for added beauty such as nuts (raisins, cereals) or flavors (green tea, cacao).
On the other hand, it is used in fast food joints such as Subway, or fast foods along with milk, butter, and peanut butter and can be molded into any shape during cooking depending on the taste for processing purposes.
3. Multi Grain Bread

It is easy to recognize and make this cake because it uses a variety of flour such as whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour and rye, and whole grain is combined to make this bread. On the other hand, depending on the ingredients added to the bread, it is classified as 2 types of light bread, heavy bread and it is very suitable for sandwiches.
4. Brown Bread

In general, brown bread is similar to white bread, when caramel is added to the back. Some places use a popular method to prepare this bread including wheat germ together with the barn, in which the brain accounts for 10%. On the other hand, when buying brown bread, if you are health-conscious, choose brown bread that contains 100% unmixed whole wheat, sometimes mixed with nuts.
So, you should carefully review the ingredients before buying.
5. Rye Bread

Although rye bread originated from Europe in countries such as Scandinavia, Germany, Russia and Finland, it is also available for sale in the US. However, in different ways, in Europe, the tendency to use completely pure rye flour, while in the US, rye bread can be mainly made from wheat and rye gives a firm rye flavor and a tight crumb.
On the other hand, rye bread can be light, medium, or dark in color, depending on which part of the rye berries are used to make the dough. Its taste is typical of pasta and beef corn sandwiches, or beef corn sandwiches and Reubens.
6. Sourdough Bread

Sourdough originated from Egypt in 1500 BC and was also typical of the San Francisco Bay Area because it has a mild sour taste due to the long fermentation process using yeast and lactobacilli. Naturally produces lactic acid, giving the bread its characteristic, slightly acidic flavor.
In terms of texture it is quite dense, now in the process of making the dough and the water is fermented before making bread, added to the acid usually baking salt or yeast. When finished baking this loaf has a crust with a soft, chewy middle and large air bubbles. It is great for digestion and blood sugar control, as well as more nutritious than many other types of bread.
7. Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel breads are considered to be breads without any flour added to the mix because the process of making it is quite thorough and selective. Usually sprouted grains or undercooked seeds and beans are also used, it is important that these grains be properly sprouted, before they can be used to make bread.
8. Roti

This is a famous flat bread, popular in Asian countries like India. It can be made from a variety of flours such as wheat, millet, sorghum and all-purpose. In some parts of India, cornflakes are also made with cornstarch.
9. Ciabatta

Ciabatta is native to Italy, meaning "slippers" in the indigenous language. Ciabatta was first produced in 1982. Outside of bread generally wide, flat and slightly collapsed in the middle, made mainly of flour, salt, yeast and water. However, its texture and skin will differ slightly across Italy depending on how the dough is mixed there, but the main ingredients remain the same. Natural Ciabatta is best for sandwiches and sandwiches.
10. Banana Bread

It sounds familiar because this cake is thick, moist, sweet, often chemically fermented with baking soda or flour, in addition to banana bread, on the market there are many cakes with added vegetables. other tubers such as zucchini bread, zucchini bread. Notably, all types of cakes here appear in the US, with earlier stories telling that "there was an 18th century baker who first used pearls, a form of bodhi Refined potash, to create carbon dioxide in the dough, "is now so popular that everyone can quickly process cakes with leftovers. This kind of bread also has its own holiday: February 23 is the national banana bread day.
11. Baguette

Long, stick-shaped loaf of bread, also known as French bread because of its origin, is made of flour, yeast, water and salt. This cake uses only simple materials to make but highly iconic, it is distinguished by a chewy crust, feathery inside and cuts on the surface of the cake, allowing air to expand in the baking process.
The cake is great when combined like a burger with pickles, flying simply with butter cream flavored with enough flavor on the crumb instead of a rushed breakfast, notably this bread is very popular Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam with the quintessential variation in the core of bread such as fried rolls, grilled pork, mixed . . .
12. Breadstick

This bread is smaller than the baguette and originated in the boot-shaped country in the 17th century. Today it is used for serving at American restaurants, the small, stick-shaped bread. small, soft and warm. Very suitable to coat with cheese and garlic, or as a dessert, with ice and cinnamon.
13. Brioche

Brioche is a French sweet bread made from eggs and butter dating back to 1404. It has a completely soft, golden crust from the egg wash applied just before baking. Nowadays, it is commonly used in hamburgers, dinner rolls and even in French toast recipes.
14. Focaccia

Originating from Italy, the word focaccia is known to be derived from the Latin word Panis focacius, which means that hearth bread is a type of flat glaze bread, usually baked flat, baked at high heat in a baking tray or pan. The dough is similar to pizza dough, and sometimes has an added flavor of fresh herbs and garlic. During baking it is pre-coated with olive oil to create a crispy crust. Great for dipping in soups or served with meat and cheese.
15. Pita Bread

Pita is a type of flat yeast bread made from wheat flour, originating in the Middle East about 4,000 years ago, cooked at a high temperature, making the bread soft and round.
Great for falafel sandwiches that can be tucked inside a cake or cut into shapes and dipped in hummus and tzatziki dipping sauces or as a bake or bake.
16. Challah

Challah bread is an indispensable thing in Jewish beliefs served on Sabbaths and on holidays. In particular, it was originally called birches before the word challah was used in the Middle Ages, in addition to it also bearing rich symbols, overlaid ingredients such as poppy seeds and sesame seeds symbolize the manna from God, the Tet outside symbolizes love. And Challah is made of eggs.
17. Cornbread

The popular image of corn bread in the area below the Mason-Dixon Line, originated from Native Americans. Made from finely ground corn, flour, eggs and milk or skim milk. On the other hand, southern-style corn flakes are traditionally baked in a pan, unleavened or with baking soda. It has a rich, rich and crunchy flavor, traditional corn bread so you can use it right away and feel crunchy and delicious.
18. Pumpernickel

Pumpernickel comes from Germany, where it is made with coarse, whole-grain rye. A modern type of rye bread is different from the old way; The day before requires patience because the recipe baked on low heat for 24 hours. For Americans avoid using marathon baking, instead add molasses and ohee to create Pumpernickel's dark color.
Nowadays, many types of bread sold in the market get many improvements from customer comments and even the baker's perception over time. But at the heart of the bread if one wants to taste the traditional we would be happy to share with you eighteen different types of bread from all over the world. We also hope that through the information there will be many shortcomings, but it will provide enough basic news for you.