How To Plant Purple Mums

By JulieLast update: 2025-02-18

Chrysanthemums (mums) are a very common flower of the autumn garden. Many mum plants could comfortably thrive with full sun, rich soil, excellent drainage and good flow of air as their essential needs were. In a variety of forms and sizes hundreds of strains are available which can produce blooms during late summer and autumn. Chrysanthemums symbolize numerous objects in different nations: Asian life and renaissance, European sympathy, and American dignity.

What is Chrysanthemum ?

Chrysanthemum is a member of the Compositae family and can be found in many shiny colours, shapes and sizes. This form of daisy was originally grown as a herb linked to the force of life and cultivated in China over 6 centuries ago. Pretty blurry, white to deep bronzes range from chrysanthemum and the hardy seedlings with their full green leaves have been highlighted.

Chrysanthemum flowers tend to have a host of petals, but every single petal is a tiny floret. Two kinds of florets are available: ray florets and disks. Ray blooms are what we usually consider petals, while disk blooms produce central keys. When the flora is all grouped, they bring us what we know and enjoy as a flowering mother

Type of Chrysanthemum


These daisy-style flowerings are long, tubular, with compact bouton center clustering. In individual or several colours, they form a 4-inch flower.


In flower decoration, florists use colorful class mums. The 5" plus flowers look flat as the flowers progressively grow longer from the center.


Blooms of the incurve display inward curving flowers. Mums incurve irregularly with large flowers from 6 to 8 cm.. The flores bend in the middle of the flora and cover it. Some blooms apply fringe to the stem on the lower side of the flora.


Pom Pom mums are just 1 to 4 inches similar to the standard incurve. In flower categories the tight blooms are common.


Spider mothers are known for their long, spicy, single or multi-colored florets. The tubular flowers look like spider legs and will go all the way. The delicate, exotic presence in your garden produces a focal flower.


Spoon mums have a ray floret-like button base with a spoon-like outline at each tip. Single mums are always wrong, but the distinction lies in the small curve.


A reflex mum's bloom is slightly flat with backward florets. The flora crossing represents an excellent flower look.

How To Plant And Care For Mums

When To Plant:

In the spring growing chrysanthemum provides time to build and adapt the annual plant to its new garden house. In autumn and spring mothers are easy to find in garden centers and kindergartens, but future plans are crucial for good planting. It's enticing to buy these gorgeous autumn mums in the autumn season, but the little spring mothers are really a wiser choice in terms of their longevity. During summer and autumn, the root system is healthier and enhances the ability of a plant to survive the winter. Planting will also lead, in the ensuing season, to a greater flowering.

Best Soil For Mums:

Chrysanthemums can exist in most soils, but with sufficient moisture they excel in well drained soil. Growing mums in rough, secure ground keeps the roots from establishing themselves when moist sumptuous ground drops the roots. It is important to locate the centerpiece. You know how to grow chrysanthemum if you planted other perennials. Work the field to a depth of 8 to 12 inches to create a healthy soil for your mothers. Mix organic matter in 2 to 4 inches, for example compost or moose.

Hardy Level:

For one purpose, chrysanthemums which are bought in garden centers are sometimes called "hardy mums." In zones 5 to 9, most mum varieties are resistant to frost. Some varieties are hardy up to Zone 3, like Mammoth Daisy. Check the tag when purchasing for mums to ensure you choose hardy, planting zone-suitable garden varieties. The varieties which are native to urban areas are mostly seen in garden centers.

Sunlight Requirement:

Mostly, mums are sun-loving plants. While they only need 6 hours of sunlight per day theoretically, the more light the growing, flourishing and robust they get. In warmer park areas, the humid summer afternoons are a light shade to avoid scurvy. Because of their photoperiodic origin, mothers bloom. While in late summer the plant feels a difference in the duration of the dark, it starts to make buds.

Caring for Chrysanthemums

Watering guide

For the best development, mums even need moisture. Consistent irrigation is important during the spring, summer and fall. The soil will be postponed until spring warms up the soil while the soil is frozen in winter. It is advisable to water early in the morning at a depth of 6 to 8 cm. The best irrigation approach for mothers is that moisture contributes straight to the plant foundation. Which stops the trapping of moisture through the dense leaves. Soaker tubing will bring even, continuous moisture to the ground.

Fertilizer necessary

Nutrients are needed for all plants. It provides an additional boost of vital nutrients for best growth by fertilizing your mums. In spring and summer the main development of the chrysanthemum species takes place. Growing chrysanthemums are high feedingstuffs. Consistent use of quality fertilizer helps your mums flourish and generate more blooming. For a monthly use from the beginning of Spring to July, choose a stable water soluble fertilizer. If you planted mums in fall, wait until spring to start fertilizing. In fact, falling fertilization will reduce chrysanthemum hardness to withstand cold winters.

Increase Winter Hardiness

A constant temperature of the ground is the secret to winter survival. The roots are weakened by repeated freezing and thawing periods and plants are confusing. Providing a 4-inch thick mulch coating will lead to a steady soil temperature throughout the winter. Lay the mulch beneath your mothers as soon as the floor starts hardening and the thermostat starts to plunge into the 20's. The use of a loose mat, such as straw, will minimize compaction and improve soil isolation.


When the breeze refreshes, it appears like the centers of the garden will show off complete mounds of bright red, yellow and purple flowers. In fall parks, chrysanthemums or sisters. Mothers are a national emblem of autumn plenty, and the grassy and hardy permanent is a simple addition to your fall garden. You will get a healthy and luscious chrysanthemum garden with a little knowledge and a couple of easy tips to encourage the transition of the seasons.

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